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How to create an email in cPanel: 10 Easy Steps You Must Know

In this blog, we will see how we can create an email in cPanel hosting and cPanel provided by Nest Nepal. The steps are straightforward, and you will not need to do any coding or scripting. Even a person from non-computer science background can conduct this installation.

Table of Contents

Steps to creating an email in cPanel:

Email in Cpanel


2. After you fill in the credentials and log in, you will be redirected to a page like as shown in the picture below. This is the homepage of your cPanel.

cPanel Dashboard

On this homepage, click on the “Email Accounts” Tab in the first section. Here are all the menus organized where you perform every single task that is done in the cPanel

email accounts on cPanel


3. You will now see all the email accounts on the specified domain. All the emails can be managed and deleted by the cPanel admin from this page.

Email Accounts on cPanel


4. Click on the “Create” button on the middle right of the page to start creating a new email account. The button is highlighted, as shown in the picture below.

Creating new email


5. You will now be redirected to the form to create the new email. You will need to fill the form according to the need of the employee or any specified person.

filling the requirements


6. Enter the username for the email in the “Username” placeholder and enter the password in the “Password” placeholder.

username and password


7. Now, scroll down and click on the “Create” button. Here, the first phase of the email creation has been completed, and you can do the other half anytime you want.

creating new email


8. After clicking on “Create,” you will be redirected to a page shown below. As mentioned before, you can check all the mails on your domain from this page.

new email on email accounts


9. Now, click on the “Check Mail” beside the email you just created. You will now see the page to set up your email in cPanel.

dashboard of email

10. Select “horde” and fill in the email address you want to access from your device. I am filling in the same email we just created. Now, click on the “Automatically Configure my Device”.

Automatically Configure My device

and then Click on “Send”

creating new gmail account

Now, you have created an entirely usable email account on your desired domain. So, you just created an email in cPanel. Wasn’t that cool? You can now check and send emails from the email you just made, just like you do on your Gmail account.

gmail dashboard

Kudos! You have completed the creation process to create an email in cPanel. See! Wasn’t that easy? Look around Nest Nepal for more educational content.

If you want to learn more about creating addon domain on cPanel, Check this blog out: Create addon domain in cPanel

You can also follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/nestnepalofficial.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Can I create multiple email accounts using cPanel?

Yes, you can create multiple email accounts using cPanel.

Can I use custom domain for all my email accounts in cPanel?

Yes, you are able to use a custom domain for your cPanel email accounts. You can choose the domain connected with your hosting account when creating an email account. By selecting a custom domain, you can have professional-looking email addresses (for example, info@yourdomain.com) that correspond to your website or business.

How do I delete my email account in cPanel?

To delete an email account in cPanel, follow these steps:
1) Access cPanel and navigate to the Email section.
2) Click on the “Email Accounts” or “Email Management” option.
3) Click on “Manage” on the side of your Email.
4) Scroll down and look for Delete Email Account.
5) Click on “Delete Email Account”
6) Your Email Account will be Deleted.

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